Resurse Comunicare – iunie


Ne propunem ca periodic să adunăm într-un articol dedicat toate informațiile interesante legate de subiectul ”Comunicare” postate pe pagina noastră de Facebook (și nu numai). La Monterra cultivăm o atmosferă de respect și promovăm comunicarea asertivă atât în relaţia educatoare-copii cât şi in relatia părinți-grădiniță. În cadrul acestui demers încercăm să construim o resursă bogată pentru cei interesați de această abordare.

How To Respond If Your Toddler Says „I Hate you” (o situatie delicata – cateva raspunsuri posibile)

7 Reasons Kids Need Us to Disagree   („disagreements are a natural part of our parent/child relationship and a healthy (though seldom fun) interaction. The irony is that if we practice the art of respectful disagreement, our relationship will strengthen, deepen, and actually involve less real conflict.”)

Braving the Silence (The Secret to Nurturing Emotional Resilience) („Acknowledging our children’s feelings and desires is one of the most powerful ways to validate and bond with them. Yet all too often, we find it difficult to provide our kids with the crucial next step — the quiet moment they need for our acknowledgements to sink in, to really feel we accept their point of view…”)

A Conversation After School („As parents, how do we connect with our children at the end of the day? How do we learn about the details of the day without putting them on the spot or forcing them to come up with something?”)

The power of the Positive (de reținut: „the ideal ratio of positive to negative is 4:1”)

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